72% of employees detest their jobs. Here is how to make your company a Best Place to work.
Write this on your wall with a red bold Sharpie!
"As my employees go so goes my customers. As my customers go so goes my company.
If my employees are ever treated less than partners I stand the risk of my customers receiving less At all times I will remember the names (including spouses) and birthdays of my employees as I do my customers.
Effective leadership in great companies is not a "seat of the pants activity." Jim
Hire Jim Woods. 25 Years of Consulting and Coaching Success.
Click here to arrange for Jim to speak to or consult with your organization or call +1 719-266-6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
+1 719-266-6703 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting. On Twitter Jim is @hyperinnovation and @innothinkgroup
Jim Woods is an expert on competitive strategy, uncertainty and innovation. Jim is president and CEO of InnoThink Group, a strategy and uncertainty consulting firm designed to maximize the potential of leaders and organizations. For more on Jim check out his website and follow him on Facebook.
For over 25 years Jim Woods has helped organizations and individuals achieve their goals, maximize their effectiveness, become more productive, develop confidence, and overcome the fears holding them back. Click here to schedule an appointment.
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