Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dream It, Do It! - Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels


“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)

God that quote pisses me off.

Why? Because it’s true—but it shouldn’t be and doesn’t have to be.
There is absolutely no reason why you can’t live your dreams, no matter what they are; no reason you can’t live the life you’ve always wanted. Look, you have dreams for a reason. Call it your destiny, your karma, your life’s mission, whatever you want, but your dreams are what define your place and purpose. When you live in fear of your own desires and ambitions, you lose sight of your true calling and your true self. Life loses meaning, and inertia sets in. You become depressed, unhappy, and start to wonder: Is this really all there is?

The answer is NO!

Every human being has the capacity to transform suffering or weakness into peace, power, strength, health, and abundance. There is no authentic goal you can set for yourself that can’t be reached, or dreams that can’t be realized. It’s just a matter of learning HOW to achieve what you want.

Many self-help books tell you what to achieve, but they don’t give you particularly useful tools for how to achieve it. They offer a lot of New Age platitudes and sappy self-help mantras:

Just love yourself.

See the glass as half full.

Believe it and it will come.

I mean, really. That’s not how it works, and you know it.

A lifetime’s worth of struggle is not overturned in a moment of positive thinking. But if you have the right attitude and skills, you can and will accomplish anything and everything you want.

In my book Unlimited, I give you both: attitude and action. By its end you’ll have all the tools you need to change your life—no hype, no false promises.

I know what you’re thinking: What’s Jillian Michaels doing writing a self-help book? She’s the fitness guru, right? The fact that people think of me as a fitness guru is hilarious. I imagine a fitness guru as someone who wears spandex, feels the burn, and loves an endorphin high, then follows it all up with a shot of wheatgrass. That is so not me! What I do is not about fitness. Exercise is just one of the tools I use to help people rebuild their lives.

If you referred to an architect as a sketch artist, he would look at you like you were an insane person. Architects help people build homes; sketches are just one tool they use to do it. Well, that’s what fitness is to me—a tool I use to help you build a life. It’s never been just about the sit-up.

Now, get ready, because it’s time to stop being quiet and desperate. Screw surviving—it’s time to THRIVE. Unlimited health, wealth, and happiness are just waiting for you to claim them.


America’s premier health and wellness expert Jillian Michaels is a New York Times best-selling author, television personality, entrepreneur and the president of Empowered Media. via


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